B&W N800 vs Wilson WP7 vs Revel and others

I plan to upgrade my N802's in the near future and have a few speakers on my short list. I an interested in hearing everyone's thoughts or opinions. My short list includes:

B&W Signature N800's
Wilson WP 7
Wilson WP 6
Wilson Sophia
Revel Studios and Salons
JM Labs Utopia
Sonus Faber Amati

My current system includes Krell FPB 350 mono's and 7.1 processor. I will be using the latest EMC 1 cdp. Thanks
I ended up going with the Watt Puppy 7's and am very happy with the choice. I have since replaced the Krell HTS 7.1 with a Krell KCT pre for better 2 channel performance. I still need to replace my old Denon CDP but even with that the sound is spectacular. I am a bit undecided on a cdp at this point and have decided wait a while longer to see what is on the horizon. Any suggestions?

MahanDave: Not to be rude but you really dont know what your talking about here. Stating a Wilson(which uses generic drivers of AVERAGE quality at best)is a better build over ANY Revel Ultima(or Performa even in some respects) product is a farce at best. Lets start with the paint. WIlson speakers use a relatively cheap clearcoat that has a VERY POOR molecular bond. Its like comparing a Maaco paint job to a high quality MFG.(like Honda)paint job.The Revel's clearcoat is of a much higher quality, and people will see that difference after owning their speakers for many years. Driver selection is another thing. Wilson driver's are generic off the shelf components(some of which are available and used in cheap car audio components, like the tweeter which alot of insiders know about)that are average in build quality.Revel uses either special in house drivers and or high quality Scanspeak drivers.And all their speakers run super flat in their designed frequency window) Ever compare the quality or design of the Xover's? Revel sure holds its own here. How about inlab design and research?The actual cabinet? Revel's cabinet is quite well braced and resonant free, as much as any cabinet Ive ever seen regardless of price. And routing every single surface sure doesnt cheapen the cost of these speakers. I remember hearing the Wilson MAXX speakers for the first time. These are what $40,000??I was pretty damn excisted but my wife and myself found that they were poor sounding speakers in a variety of different rooms that they were auditioned in.Plus their exxageratted SSSSSSSSSSSSS!!!! All Wilson's have this Ive found. Just a week ago the local WIlson dealer got the new Version 7's in. Same ol,same ol. The Watt's are really no better than the Maxx's.They are poor "eq'd" speakers that require alot of room treatment to band-aid them is what I have always heard and felt, and alot of people in my area feel strongly about that too. Ariel I feel is a much better speaker(though I feel build isnt spectacular but well above average) and compares well with many of the best(Like Vandersteins,Revels, B&W 8 series etc), but please keep Wilson's out of that comparision.
Not true! Scan-Speak drivers used in Wilson midrange is one of the best, if not the best midrange you can find regardless of the origin (off-shelf, or house made). Wilsons, just like any and every other speakers have its issues. He went and at least listened them for himself.
Although, would like to hear them against Joseph's Pearl.
Errr better check real hard again. Wilson's use Focal tweeters, midrange drivers and bass units, the same cheesy ones you find at discount warehouses all over the US,in fact I can even name off the exact model's of the drivers used. I used to sell Wilson,which is known for having the highest markup known to mankind when it comes to money in the dealer's pockets, LOL! And I sure wouldnt put Wilson's midrange anywhere near the best.Its a poorly EQ'd speaker.If you like the "smiley face" setting from the 80's then youll love Wilson Audio! Ill take an Arial or Dynaudio any day of the week for midrange, or full range for that matter.
Well, YOU better check again. Focal is only the tweeter. And nothing wrong with them either. Scan-Speak 8545 is widely used mid/woofer. Seas Excel is another "cheesy" off the shelf driver that was succesfuly utilized by Joseph's (20K) Pearl. Quality of the Individual parts doesn't mean much, but the sum of the whole. 'Till recently Dynaudio drivers were also available off-shelf to DIY-ers. That didn't mean that they were "cheesy". If you want "cheesy", try opening-up your Dynaudio Countour 3.3, and take a look at the $20 crossover parts!
Also, i do not believe (ANY) speakers should cost $20K either!