B&W N800 vs Wilson WP7 vs Revel and others

I plan to upgrade my N802's in the near future and have a few speakers on my short list. I an interested in hearing everyone's thoughts or opinions. My short list includes:

B&W Signature N800's
Wilson WP 7
Wilson WP 6
Wilson Sophia
Revel Studios and Salons
JM Labs Utopia
Sonus Faber Amati

My current system includes Krell FPB 350 mono's and 7.1 processor. I will be using the latest EMC 1 cdp. Thanks
Not true! Scan-Speak drivers used in Wilson midrange is one of the best, if not the best midrange you can find regardless of the origin (off-shelf, or house made). Wilsons, just like any and every other speakers have its issues. He went and at least listened them for himself.
Although, would like to hear them against Joseph's Pearl.
Errr better check real hard again. Wilson's use Focal tweeters, midrange drivers and bass units, the same cheesy ones you find at discount warehouses all over the US,in fact I can even name off the exact model's of the drivers used. I used to sell Wilson,which is known for having the highest markup known to mankind when it comes to money in the dealer's pockets, LOL! And I sure wouldnt put Wilson's midrange anywhere near the best.Its a poorly EQ'd speaker.If you like the "smiley face" setting from the 80's then youll love Wilson Audio! Ill take an Arial or Dynaudio any day of the week for midrange, or full range for that matter.
Well, YOU better check again. Focal is only the tweeter. And nothing wrong with them either. Scan-Speak 8545 is widely used mid/woofer. Seas Excel is another "cheesy" off the shelf driver that was succesfuly utilized by Joseph's (20K) Pearl. Quality of the Individual parts doesn't mean much, but the sum of the whole. 'Till recently Dynaudio drivers were also available off-shelf to DIY-ers. That didn't mean that they were "cheesy". If you want "cheesy", try opening-up your Dynaudio Countour 3.3, and take a look at the $20 crossover parts!
Also, i do not believe (ANY) speakers should cost $20K either!
Actually Wilson uses focal for all 3 mentioned drivers, depending on model of course. As for the sum of the whole theory, I actually agree. I also agree that no speaker actually is "worth" $20k plus. I just feel that Wilson is one of the biggest offenders when it comes to cost/quality ratio which in all honesty kind of sucks. Companies like Revel,Arial,B&W are all also overpriced just like ANY speaker, but when you have a chance to actually take apart the speaker(s),you can see which mfg. took more time and care in the quality of parts used and selected. One reason why Ive always been a fan of Revel(and why I bought em for my own personal system). THey dont just sound great, but they look great, and their parts quality across the board is excellent.

I also have to add that my feelings on their sound is nothing more than an opinion so if any Wilson owners feel offended, it wasnt meant to be voiced that way.
I guess, we agree more than the initial posts would suggest. I own Dynaudio 3.0, and after the x-over upgrade took the sound to the new level. Bennic mylar and Solen caps were replaced with Mundrof and Hovland. Very disapointing finding that relatively expensive speakers would use very cheap parts. My friend did the same with his 3.3. I would hate to be owner of the >$20K, and find less than premier parts in any way!