Small floorstander recommendations

I am looking for suggestions for a small footprint, floorstander for about $1000 new/used. Here is what I have to work with:

Musical preferences: 80% old-school R&B, rock, pop, funk, electronic, and hip hop; 20% classical, blues, jazz, vocals
Room: 15' X 17', hardwood floors, typical living room furniture, area rug
Source: Sony DVD player (next component to upgrade)
Amplification: Audio Refinement Complete integrated amp

I am looking to balance out my musical preference ratios, so the speaker should be a good, all-around performer.

Considering the following:
Totem Acoustics Sttaf
Vienna Acoustics Bach
Meadowlark Swift or Kestrel Hod Rod
Spendor S6
Triange Zerius
ProAc Studio 125
Epos M15

All comments/recommendations welcome.

Best Regards,

ALso..for the type of music you are going to need deep bass...Epos,Triangles,SPendors,etc. are very lean in the bass you plan on adding a sub? Another choice worth looking into: Vandersteen 1c or 2ce...about $500-800 used...and very good bass performance for the price...
Try Monitor Audio's various sloorstanders. I love my Silver 5i's. I was also very impressed with a pair of Martin Logan Aerius, which can be had new for about $2100/pair. The Silver 5i's can be had for under 600/pair new or used.

Would highly recommend you check audition the JM Labs with the Audio Refinement (Cobalts or Chorus). IMHO, they are really deserve the 'magical' description that gets thrown about so much. Similar sound to Triangles, but a little more refined to my ears. JMLabs and YBA are close design collaborators.

Also, the one minor shortcoming on the Complete is the 50 watts with no pre outs for future power upgrade, but the JMLabs are so sensitive that it should be plenty of power for them. Good luck
Yeah, that little amp ALMOST carried my Parsifal Encores, but alas, its 80w/4ohms/ch didn't quite get the bottom octaves cooking. GREAT amp, though.
There is a pair of Thiel .5s for $650 on this site...maybe a tad bass shy...but for musical sound..hard to beat at that price....