Shipping company for speakers- any good or bad one

I am looking to buy some speakers and will have them shipped. They are large so UPS is out. Anyone have any experience, + or -, with any companies?

I've had really good experience with BAX Global:

They won't pick up from a residence, only from a business address, but the service and prices are great.
My experience with BAX was a nightmare. They damaged a pair of Kharma 2.0, and then refused to settle even after their own investigator concluded that they caused the damage. The problem with BAX, and some others, is that they are self insured - so they do not want to pay. Have had good luck with Target Logisitics and Conway. One of the problems is 'hidden' damage. Make sure the packing is perfect - any weakness risks the contents. Make sure the packing is marked as to 'up-right', do not double stack, etc. Also consider a 'shock watch' which is a device that will indicate if the carton/crate was subjected to a severe shock. Good Luck.
I ship ribbon speakers via small Moves/Vintage Transport which specialize in antiques and valuable art work. My speakers are wrapped in a moving blanket like everything else in the truck then tied to the walls of the truck.