Sorry Brainwater, but you are misled, The Absolute Sound
reviewed the 10 t's in 1993 early fall Volume 18 Issue #
90 pgs.103-106 in their
high end journal.Mr.Chiarella called the original 10t
a breakthrough product and he bought the review pair.
Anyone who would like a copy of this review, send me
an email. Since I own both the old model and the later
10t's I can agree all the way with the quality of the
bass cabinets on the old not being of the quality of
the newer 10t's,sound wise they are different but
both are musical and get them feet tapping.
reviewed the 10 t's in 1993 early fall Volume 18 Issue #
90 pgs.103-106 in their
high end journal.Mr.Chiarella called the original 10t
a breakthrough product and he bought the review pair.
Anyone who would like a copy of this review, send me
an email. Since I own both the old model and the later
10t's I can agree all the way with the quality of the
bass cabinets on the old not being of the quality of
the newer 10t's,sound wise they are different but
both are musical and get them feet tapping.