speaker choice help below $800

I think I am going crazy trying to find even a starting point for speakers. It seems everytime I come up with a couple that might fit the bill, I loose focus some how! :-)
Anyway, if some of you could give me some sort of guidance for what to look at I would appreciate it.
A few that have piqued my curiosity during research are:
Pinnacle Gold Reference
Dynaudio Audience 50/52
Various B&W's - DM, CM, CDM etc...
NHT 2.5i

My current system consists of:
Roksan Caspian Int.
Rega Planet2000 CDP
I am currently 'borrowing' a pair of B&W DM602-S1 and they need to go back to their owner.
I listen to primary British indie/pop music, both guitar driven and electronica style (gotta love the 80's!)
I would like to keep the price below $800 new/used if possible. It doesn't matter whether they are floorstander or bookshelf.

I know every person who responds to this thread will have a compelling reason why you should buy thier favorite speaker but I would like to make a suggestion.
Consider the Sony SS-M7e. I know no one thinks of Sony as a quality speaker maker, but they accidentally made four fantastic models recently.
If you click on the "my threads" under my name you can access the review I did of them. They can be had cheaply and they are one of the best kept secrets in HiFi.
Soliloquy 5.0 bookshelf speakers, not a lot of bass like most bookshelves, but very good.

Try the Wharfedale Pacific Evolution line. An astonishly good speaker at a reasonable price in your range. Less if used or demo.

Richard Bischoff
Well, you are going to get several(good)opinions on this one.

The Thiel CS 1.5 is getting near that price on the used market, and is a very good choice.

Best of success, Jim