Why are Infinities the Rodney Dangerfields of spe

I have yet to hear anything but praise for the baby Infinity 2.6 Intermezzos or the top end MTS Preludes. In searching the audiogon forums, however, I notice that the responses to Infinity threads is almost nil. What gives??? I am interested in some 4.1 Intermezzos that can flat out spank many speakers that are highly touted in some of the discussions. Am I missing something?
The Kappa 200 monitors are pretty darn good little monitors...maybe not my first choice at the 1k level...but certaintly not a bad choice...you could do alot worse...they are Danish made...
Step back to the golden age when Arnie Nudell ruled the roost and try the RS1x or IRS Beta, Gamma or Delta. RSIIb can be delightful as well. These are getting older now, nice examples can still be found. I'm keeping the pair of Betas and Gammas that I own. Nothing today comes close to the Betas without spending 30K+.

Thesoundbroker explained the Rodney Dangerfield thing well re Infinity speakers in general, but if you really like the Infinities, buy them, enjoy, and don't let others opinions bother you. Good Luck. Craig
here here (beemer)on the great OLD Infinity's..My wife polishes my RS1b's once a month and they are still going strong since 1988,and I can't get enough of them..At one time I did demo the Beta's ion 1989 but couldn't justify the extra money between the two.As a matter of fact there are a pair of Beta's for sale on AudiogoN now for a pretty good price.Not many people know about them since they are from the olden days of Infinity.To quote one person on them(if you come across the Beta's or RS1b's run to the bank don't walk.....)
Nice post by Plugged/Sound Broker. In addition to what he said, I will add that when the shop I used work at during the early/mid 90's added the Kappas as a lower priced line, I thought they plainly sucked compared to other things we had at the same price points, such as the lower priced Snells or B&W's (guess they wanted that Infinity name to bring 'em in). So I suspect it's not just that Infinity made mass-market stuff, but also that it wasn't very good stuff for what it was.