HELP I need alot of audio advice....

I recently purchased a home theatre systems consisting of PSB Image 5ts, 9c and 2bs. My receiver is a Denon 3802. I am running the hsu vtf-3 sub. The cd player is an Apex 800 which is doubling as cd/dvd player. Occasionally, with the help of a well recorded dvd I get great sound; very realistic; but on the norm the stereo cd's and records (played on a Denon DP-47F) sound like dukie. I need some recommendations for upgrades; cables, separates, speakers, cd player or whatever. I'm in much 2 deep....
You don't need a lot of advice--you've chosen your equipment very well, with only one obvious exception. Apex is an off-brand with a poor reputation. A name-brand DVD players (Sony, Pioneer, etc.) will serve you much better.

The other thing you shuld do is play around a little with speaker positioning--it can make a bigger difference than changing anything in your system (the Apex excepted).
You might want to consider a used, older DVD/CDP. RIght now, Sony DVP S-7000 or Pioneer Elite DV-05 or 09 are available for $250-500.00 and would be a major upgrade to your APEX. The Sony compares quite favorably (not as good, but not a major step down) to a $4500 list/$1900 used transport/DAC combo in my system.
I'll defend APEX. You get a lot for your money. However, I would never use the audio outs. Use the digital outputs only and use the Denon's internal d/a. It should make a huge difference!
The biggest improvement will be changing the cd player, maybe check out Sony 555, Rega or Audio Research CD-1 as all three are nice payers. How much are you into 2 channel, as in most cases it's tuff to get the best of both worlds HT and 2 channel. If your happy with the speakers I would consider looking into changing the denon and replacing it with seperates if it's in the bugget. I'm 2 channel first then HT and could never have both in one room, tried it and hated it so I dedicate one room for 2 channel and one for HT.
Happy Listening!
Apex is junk...go philips dvd963sa sacd/dvd player for under $500 online...has seperate audio/video upsamples to 24 bit...great player all around...