Best Speakers Close to Walls
Question... What Hi-End speakers are either sufficiently forgiving, or made, to be placed close to walls. Speaker placement in my home is limited to within 1 foot of the back walls - a tough reality. Robert Harley writes in his book High-End Audio, 'that some speakers sound better close to walls than others'. Hi-Fi Choice magazine lists a speaker catagory as "Speakers that work best close to the walls". Would love to hear some opinions and/or experience on this.
Room: 13'W X 25'L X 9'H (speakers aimed length wise)
Speakers under consideration, but not limited to:
B&W 802N, Sonus Faber Cremona, Talon Raven or Khorus X, Kharma Ceramiques, Vienna Acoustics Beethoven's or - Merlin VSM-M.
I realize there is no perfect speaker for this situation, but gotta do the best I can. Thanks!