Dynaudio and Nikko, a good match?

Hi everyone, I never audition Dynaudio because I can't find any dealer within my area but from the reviews, I found out that there one of best sounding bookshelf speakers. Right now I have the Paradigm Titans v.3 with are exceptionally good sounding speakers but I'm looking for alittle more midbass sound(around 250 to 500), and better soundstage. The type of music I listen to is mostly rock and country. Any suggestion and comments are welcome. Happy listening :)
Ag insider logo xs@2xhighend64
Don't know if i can really answer your question, but FWIW the Dynaudio speakers are very unforgiving of the electronics involved. I feel that Dyna's are amoung the best speakers available but must be driven by high quality electronics to sound good - they will not sound good at all with inappropriate or poor equipment. I don't think they will produce an enhanced response in the 250 to 500 hz area, if fact no speaker should. To get this you might play with adjusting the heighth of your speakers - you may have a suckout in this area if they are too high.
Agree with Newbee...the Danes are great speakers at their price points...especially the AUdience 42/52...however they are very demanding on power(4 ohms),and very revealing of source material(poor recordings)...I believe Nikko is no longer made...but for around $300 used...a NAD c350 intergrated and Danes sounds suprisingly musical...

Thanks for the responses. I have a Nikko NA-690 Intergrated Amplifier powering the Titans.
ALso..listenup.com is the only internet dealer in regards to Dynaudio I can think of...if you dont have a local one...worth a shot...as always...ask for b-stocks/demos...