Alright, I own a pair of the Osprey's and let me EMPHASIZE I broke in my speakers at moderate listening levels... loud talking levels, however not shouting... I say this due to the fact my pair easily required 5-600 hours before the bass started to flesh out under the 45-50 Hz range. As for system matching I have a Unison Research Unico (NOS Mullard input tubes) coupled with a Jolida JD-100A (NOS Bugle Boy tubes) cd player. All cabling is Synergistic Research, with all going through a Balanced Power Tech BP-3.5. The Osprey's are nothing short of glorious. The finesse, detail, natural timbre, harmonics, dynamics both micro and macro... I have owened Thiel, Martin Logans, Soliloquy, Dynaudio, and the like. These will be here to stay... However, if you are looking for floor shaking bass, these may not deliver, they do go deep and are acurate, articulate and correct in timbre, they may not rattle your windows if that is more important than all around sonic integrity.