Looking for speaker choice advice.....

I'm looking for some direction/help in selecting some new speaks for my recently completed dedicated listening room. The room itself is built over my garage and measures 16' wide x 30' long. Side walls are 4' tall where the rafter slope occurs with the main flat ceiling about 8' wide at 8'-4" high running the length of the room.

My existing components include a 250/wpc Threshold S500 controlled by a Conrad Johnson PV11. I was previously running B&W CDM7s but this room was a little too large for those so I sold them to finance an upgrade. I'm looking for a very musical speaker w/good bass extension, natural mids and an accurate high end.

My musical taste center around progressive rock (60%) , (think Yes, Genesis and some newer stuff along the same lines), modern jazz guitar (10%) and classical strings (30%). I'm looking for a full range floor stander to cover all the bases. Size isn't an issue since the room is all mine and right now I'm setting my max budget at $3.5k.

Unfortunately, I'm in a somewhat audio depraved location and there isn't a lot of places to demo gear although I may take a trip to NY in the spring just to do some demos if I can't decide but I don't mind "buy to try" if I can turn them around w/o loss. I was originally thinking of sticking w/B&Ws, going with M802S3s or N803s but have recently found interest in the Coincident Super Eclipse, Soliloquy 6.3, and Maggie 1.6 and 3.3s.

So... Any comments or suggestions? I'm dying to get some nice speakers in this room since I sold my B&Ws my interims have been old DCM TF600s (which still sound pretty good considering their age and $75 price tag).
The $3500 price point is the MSRP for a pair of Vandersteen 3A Signature speakers, which work well with just about all types of music (except, perhaps, rock at very high volumes -- the 3A Sig's tend to sound a bit compressed at very high decibel levels, although that is also a function of the amp used to drive them). Your other system components would work very well with the 3A Sig's, and if you want to further upgrade your system at a later date, you can add a pair of Vandy 2Wq subs.

If you are willing to buy used speakers, a used pair of 3A Sig's typically sell for about $2000-2200, and used Vandy 2Wq subs usually go for about $850 each. Hence, with a bit of stretch in your budget, you could get used 3A Sig's AND a used pair of 2Wq subs for a bit over $4000.

For info about Vandersteen dealers that might be in your area, check out the following page on the Vandy web site:

If I were to make a recommendation among the group of speakers you listed in your post, I'd suggest the Coincident Super Eclipse or the larger Maggies (although bear in mind that Maggies do not excel at playing at high volume levels). The Maggie 1.6's are a fine speaker, but your room is probably a bit too large to suit them.
Some complain of Maggies having narrow sweet spots,little bass,and poor dynamics...and despite some or all of these limitations(they are very room dependent)...they still can sound amazing...and give many more pricier hi-end speakers some serious competition...for jazz and strings...they would be ideal...i find they also work well with Pink Floyd,etc...they are unforgiving to poor recordings however...good luck...

For a warmer, more forgiving, "full bodied" midrange speaker, Vandersteen 2ces would spring to mind...phase correct boxless design...not a "rocker" speaker by any stretch of the imagination...but this isnt what you are looking for...decent bass considering price point...all in all...both these and the Mags are very transparent and musical...and both of these companies offer what many consider the best value in hi-end speakers...not to mention companies who have been in the business since the 70s
Every guy's dream is to have a dedicated music room..so you have one..you are lucky at that sense..Also it is a big room..Your budget is 3,5 K..If I were you I would buy a used VMPS RM40..these speakers are big but as size is not an issue you can go for them(they are 260 lbs and 168 cm tall)..the bass goes down to 24 hz and I think that is enough for music..the ribbon midrange is the real point with these speakers..very nice midrange..the best midrange for that price..I mean I see no reason why not to buy these speakers for that price..
If I have that room Ill try maybe The Avantgarde dou.
Prodigy Martin logan, Maggie are good too.I just
bought Andra dont forget to audition them, I bought
them because they are perfect size in my room 16wx 19.
Good luck..
I would get the Maggie 3.6, I have a friend who has the 1.6s with a Bryston amp and they are awesome, the bass is very good to. It doesn't get all the way down there, but what you do hear is very good. Another friend has Vandersteens, and while musical and good sounding they don't hold a candle to the 1.6s in my opinion If you have the freedom to set the Maggies up (as you do) they are just fantastic.