What to power Thiel 2.4 speakers?

I am new to this hobby and would appreciate any suggestions as to what I should use to power the Thiel 2.4 speakers.
What is your budget. Thiels like power, try a McIntosh MC352 or the new MC400 4500.oo. Or look at EDGE, Bryston,
Sherbourne,etc. But I would get at least 300w to properkly drive the 2.4's
I did audition them and they were very impressive much better than the 2.3's
Although I don't have any direct experience with the 2.4, it is said to be much easier to drive than most previous Thiel models, the 1.6 excepted. So you might be fine with as little 100+ watts into 4 ohms, maybe less depending on your listening habits and room. But more power certainly won't hurt.

If you can, try a few amps at home. SS and tubes.
Thiel's are very revealing and as stated love power. I would get the best you can afford. I have heard the bigger Thiel's driven by the Audio Research 600 and then by the Krell FPB600 within a few minutes of each other. Both sounded great.

Stick with good; no, stick with great quality.
