Ohms and WPC???

Is better to get speakers with 8 ohm normal requirements or 4 ohm requirements (I know this is not the reason for buying a speaker). I just wanted to know if I have a 250 wpc amp at 8 ohms should the speaker have 8 ohms or 4 ohms. Does it make any difference???

Most higher powered amps will not be affected by dropping to a four ohm load. Generally amps output ratings double as the load halves but that is not always the case. A four ohm load is not usually difficult for and amp to drive. I don't think in your case it would make any difference, unless there is something about your amp that I don't know.
Depending on the amplifier. If the amp has an output transformer than theoretically it delivers the same wattage to the both loads if the transformer designed so.
If the amp is direct-coupled and has also rating to lower wattage(s) than it's also OK to take lower impedance speaker.
Usually direct-coupled SS amps are even better with lower-impedance loads and cripples on the high impedance loads. The opposite with direct-coupled tube amps(OTL).
Actually, it should only matter if you are going to connect more than 1 pair of speakers to the amp. Usually ... each pair of speakers that you will add will half the total overall resistance of the line and when you get below 2 ohms, it begins to get risky (blowing fuses, etc.). For example, if you have 2 pair of 8 ohm speakers connected to your amp, the line would check in at 4 ohms, which is OK. Now, a lot of speakers rated at 8 ohms are usually operating nominally at 6 ohms, so your line is really at 3 ohms, still OK. Try this with 2 pair of speakers rated at 4 ohms and you can see where you will get closer to the 2 ohms limit. Now, there are also amplifiers that can safely operate at 2 ohms. So ... if you are planning to run more than 1 pair of speakers, you have to be aware of the math. Regards, Rich