Going SACD or analog?

I am at the crossroad in choosing new vs old technology. Selling my Sony redbook cdp and going with Sony 777, or investing into the hi-end turntable rig? Have few records, and several hundred of CD's. I listened SACD with Krell and Martin Logan speakers. It was great, but i liked all Linn analog set-up even more. I would have about 3k to spend, which wouldn't be much for an excellent analog set (including phono stage pre) as i am using Sony's volume control with my Plinius 100 mkII. What to do? what to do?
I would tend to agree with Albert. I have a Sony SCD 777es and a Sota STar Sapphire. With arm and cartridge the cost is virtually identical. I enjoy SACD as it is much better than redbook CDs, but the sound of vinyl is far superior. I have not experienced the noise problems of which others have complained.
Much of the answer to your question though will be based on your choice of music. New music is obviously more difficult to find on vinyl, BUT not impossible. If you prefer older (pre 90's) all of it will be available on LP. Used vinyl is a treasure trove of beautiful music regardless of your tastes!!!
The real question is: to what do you want to listen?
Thanks to ALL for your help! I decided to go with SACD and keep Cd's and also analog as some of you suggested. I will be looking for used Rega 3 and Rb300 arm. And will wait for pre-am and MC cartridge. I am running out of funds as it is.
anolog. I have a scd-1 SACD and have not turned it on in a month, digital is convenient, although it does sound good, when compared to a good anolog rig it sounds DIGITAL. I beleive the question you should ask yourself is do I want convenance or sound quality.