Survey: B&W

Just for fun. Is it the original 801, matrix 801, Nautilus 801 Signature? Is it the Silver Signature? Signature 30's? The "pregnant penguin" DM6? The $250.00/pr DM302? Anyone remember the 808? Matrix800? Cast your vote. My choice as audiophile and fan for 30 years----the Original 801! I'll tally in 3 days and post the results.
Hate to say it..but Maggie 1.6s, Vandersteen 2 Sigs, and a host of other under 2k speakers really outperform comparable and even far more pricier B*W offerings...B*W has to pay for marketing somehow...
Are we a little oversensitive today?...c'mon...this cant be the first time somebody has claimed B*W was overpriced...
The spirit of the post was to find out what B&W FANS thought was their greatest speaker achievment; price vs performance or just overall. There are many excellant speakers out there so if you feel one mfg. is better than another thats fine, it's your opinion. But no one can deny that B&W has done tremendous R&D for many years to push the realism of sound reproduction further: in this regard, it benefits us all.
The only B&W I would own: Nautilus 800
The B&W with best price/performance ratio: Matrix 801 S3

I agree with Phasecorrect in regards to the Nautilus line
being way overpriced. The Nautilus line did not deserve a 2x
markup from the S3 Matrix line. The N801 should be a $7500
speaker, not $11,000. And $16,000 for the N800 is almost
laughable. It's a nice speaker, but not $16,000 nice.

On the other hand, I think some of their less expensive
speakers are terrific values, especially the DM series.