Coincident Total Eclipses or Inner Sound Eros Mark

I am considering getting the Total Eclipses or the Eros Mark 3s. Both cost about the same. My amp would work fine with both. Any thoughts about either of these speakers or your preference of?
If I can't swing the price of these, I am considering the Coincident Victory loudspeakers. Any thoughts on this? My amps are 80 watt M80 Quicksilver monoblocks.
Thank you very much,
I haven't heard the Victory, but I am an Eros MKII owner and for the price, I would think they would be tough to beat.

I would have to agree with Plato above, in that you need to be careful with the amp selection for panels. You can't just push watts at them, as their impedence swings are wide, and they present a difficult capacitive load. I'm using an Aragon 4004 MKII and it works fine for me. However, I am using the Innersound ESL Crossover amp and find its performance excellent.
I had the Victorys too, Brulee. I tried everything to get the threadbare midrange corrected, and used amp after amp. They were just irritating to listen to. I finally got music out of them using a 12 watt Audion, which was a great match, but didn't solve the lack of bass the speakers have. The Victorys were definitely voiced using a lush SET type amp.
Another less expensive speaker I have considered is the Totem Forest. Have you guys heard these? I know that they are a smaller speaker. Do they have a full sound? How is the bass? How do they compare to the Coincident Victorys? Do youlike them better or not as much?
Thanks again,
I am an innersound eros MK1 owner who is going to upgrade to the Mk3 panels and amp. I have also heard the totem line. I love the eros and think they are a great speaker, albeight within the limitations of the narrow sweet spot discussed above. Plus the customer service from Roger Sanders at innersound is outstanding! I have also hear the totems and while many audiophiles like the totems, I found them to be a bit on the shrill side for my taste - (yes I was driving them with solid state equipment but it was good solid state equipment (levinson). If you can swing it, I would recommend the eros. And if you are worried about your amp driving the panels well enough, try it out. Innersound offers a 30 day home trial at no risk to you. If you have a good retailer, bring the amp to the store and demo it with the eros right at the retailer. I cannot comment on the coincident speakers. As always though, its your ears that matter.