i recently had the same "popping" problem with my set up - plinius amp / CJ pre / cary CD / thiel 2.3...
this problem is often referred to as "motorboating" and is most likely the result of bad tubes in the pre amp (search for "motor boating" and "motorboating" in the tube section of audioasylum.com for more on this problem and possible solutions...
often times, replacing the tubes fixes the problem...i replaced my tubes, which fixed the problem for a few weeks, but then it came back. my pre amp is actually at the CJ factory now getting checked out.
this problem is often referred to as "motorboating" and is most likely the result of bad tubes in the pre amp (search for "motor boating" and "motorboating" in the tube section of audioasylum.com for more on this problem and possible solutions...
often times, replacing the tubes fixes the problem...i replaced my tubes, which fixed the problem for a few weeks, but then it came back. my pre amp is actually at the CJ factory now getting checked out.