2 REL Storms or 1 Stadium?

I have the JM Lab Micro Utopias. Right now they are hooked up to the YBA passion amp and I also use a single REL Storm sub woofer. Would I be better off getting another Storm or selling the Storm and getting a single Stadium?
I agree also about the Stentor III. I was set to buy two Stadiums and decided on one Stentor and I'm glad I did the Stentor and the Studio are in a class by themselves because of the ARM feature only those two models use. I thought about the "financial hit" also until I hooked it up that day and have never regretted it! Good luck the Stentor is worth every cent you pay. I went from the Storm to Stentor and there is no comparison.
Actually the Stadium III is the entry into the upper level REL subs with an ARM loaded cabinet like the Stentor III and Studio III.

I had the same question a while back. I am using the JM Lab Mini's and based on the recommendation from Sumiko I will be using a single Stadium III rather than two Storm III's. I haven't got the Stadium yet....but look forward to that day!
Statman, I'm sure you are right the Stentor III is an awesome sub and I have thought about it as a possible future upgrade.
They are beautifully made and very musical subs. The Stadium has been trouble free and it's on 24/7.