which speakers, under $2K used?

I'd like to upgrade my current speakers, a pair of Quad 11L mini-monitors. I'm happy with them, but I think I can get even higher performance. I'm using a Unico amp, MMF-5 turntable with Monolithic amp, and a Sony SCD-777. I'd like to keep the price under $2K and here's what I've narrowed my selections down to:

Joseph Audio RM22si
Joseph Audio RM7si
Spendor 3/1P
Sonus Faber Concerto Home
Sonus Faber Signum.

My room is medium-small and I play varied music (from rock to classical). Qualities in music that's the most important to me are: a wide soundstage, a sweet midrange, and a nice holographic sound. Your thoughts?
The only speakers on your list I have had experience with our the Sonus Fabers - I would look at the original Concerto versus the Concerto Homes. You would lose a little bass, but in a small room this would probably be better and the midrange and top end on the original Concertos outclasses the Homes in my book. I think the Totem Hawks might be a good option as well, though I have only listened to them a few times.
Thanks for the responses, they're much appreciated. I'll have to research the Totem line... I forgot to mention that I am currently using an REL sub, which I would recommend for all monitor owners looking for extended bass.
And what about Harbeths? Their Compact 7's seem worthy of consideration.
I strongly agree with shigojw: the homes are not in the same league for 2 channel use as their predecessors. I might also add Silverline SR17's to the list.
deepseed, i am currently using the totem model 1's with a rel strata III sub in a 13x13x9 room for 2 channel listening. nice combination. if you already have a sub, try to listening to the totem model 1's, and totem tabu monitors.
von schweikert VR 4 mk ii or vr 4.5
absolutely seamless presentation, disappear in room