which speakers, under $2K used?

I'd like to upgrade my current speakers, a pair of Quad 11L mini-monitors. I'm happy with them, but I think I can get even higher performance. I'm using a Unico amp, MMF-5 turntable with Monolithic amp, and a Sony SCD-777. I'd like to keep the price under $2K and here's what I've narrowed my selections down to:

Joseph Audio RM22si
Joseph Audio RM7si
Spendor 3/1P
Sonus Faber Concerto Home
Sonus Faber Signum.

My room is medium-small and I play varied music (from rock to classical). Qualities in music that's the most important to me are: a wide soundstage, a sweet midrange, and a nice holographic sound. Your thoughts?
I strongly agree with shigojw: the homes are not in the same league for 2 channel use as their predecessors. I might also add Silverline SR17's to the list.
deepseed, i am currently using the totem model 1's with a rel strata III sub in a 13x13x9 room for 2 channel listening. nice combination. if you already have a sub, try to listening to the totem model 1's, and totem tabu monitors.
von schweikert VR 4 mk ii or vr 4.5
absolutely seamless presentation, disappear in room
You might want to look into the Dave Ellis 1801 or the Jim Salk Verity monitors. These are custom made of gorgeous woods with award-winning drivers. I'm having Jim Salk build me a custom sealed pair of Ellis 1801s than will fit seamlessly with a VBT Magellan VIII subwoofer. Good luck!
