Bookshelf or floorstander?

I'm wondering what are the advantages and/or disadvantages of a bookshelf speaker versus a floorstander... assuming both are run with a sub (and ignoring the need for a speaker stand for the bookshelf speaker). I'm wondering if it is easier to integrate a sub with a more full range speaker, than with a bookshelf that may only go to 40 or 50 Hz. Anyway, I'm curious about what the thoughts are on this. TIA.

Lots of variables here. We all seem to agree with that. I prefer to let my main speakers run full range and let my sub handle only the Hz my mains cannot. Therefore, a very low crossover is desirable, for my taste. If your mains are very limited in the lower end, this can be very problematic. Subwoofer integration will be much more difficult. Certainly, not impossible, but tricky.
Z, I forgot to mention: E, does mention the stands, but almost as an incidental sidebar. It sounds like he was discounting them, by putting his speakers on a bookshelf. At least that's the way I read it. Maybe I'm wrong on that. I'm not for anything other than books on a bookshelf. Stands are critical with these little babies.
Thanks for all the input. I guess I wasn't clear enough in my question... sorry for the confusion. I acknowledge the need for a good stand with a "bookshelf" speaker. My question probably should've read, "besides the fuller range of a floorstander, what are the advantages/disadvantages of bookshelf (monitor) versus floor stander?" I'll also check out the link Ezmeralda mentioned. By the way, while my speaker was meant as a general question, I'm specifically looking at the Dynaudio 1.3 vs 1.8 (and leaning strongly to the 1.8... great deal on a new Mk2 locally).
Dennis, if you're thinking of the Dynaudios (great speakers), check into the Revel M20s. I love mine. With my stands (read my review, in the archives--Sistrum Mini Monitor Platforms) and sub, (and, of course, a few good electronics, to boot) I'm grooving. Be prepared, though. Monitors are VERY revealing. Imaging, yes, is quite amazing. If you set these babies up right you'll be one happy camper. good luck. peace, warren