best monitor speaker under $1k, new or used

would like to buy ones for the 2nd system, please recommend!
Thanks !
SOliloquy 5.0 has to be close to the best, give them HUNDREDS of break in hours though,,, wait,, maybe close to a thousand,,, Truly fantastic sounding speakers.
Von Schwiekert VR-1's are very good in a small room and will work well with low power. Imaging and bass are good even with close placement to the rear wall. I haven't heard the Spica's but VR-1's are much richer and full bodied compared to the Epos
The NHT SB-3's are a strong contender @ a new list price of $600.00.

I audition a pair, & was overly impressed with them.

Yet, I feel Stereophile must have been smoking crack when the considered them class D.