Best speakers for $500 or less

I have a friend who wants to get a good pair of speakers for $500 or less, and was looking at Bose. I cringed. Though Bose does make some OK speakers for a very small size, I thought there is probably something better out there and I would turn to all the good Audiogoner's to help! My friend listens to a mix of 2-channel and TV/movies, and is looking to get two speakers now and expand later. What would you suggest???
A good, used set of Paradigm 40s or 7SEs could probably be had for that price point, I see some 40s on the 'Gon right now for $575 and a pair of 7SEs for $200 (!!).

Good luck,

If your talking about used, you might be able to find a pair of Vandersteen 2's or Thiel CS-2's.
Without a doubt, I would look for a used pair of Paradigm Studio 20's. Version 1 or 2.
If size is an issue, Anthony Gallo Micros. If size is not an issue than either the Triangle Titus or the Quad 11L's.