Best speakers for $500 or less

I have a friend who wants to get a good pair of speakers for $500 or less, and was looking at Bose. I cringed. Though Bose does make some OK speakers for a very small size, I thought there is probably something better out there and I would turn to all the good Audiogoner's to help! My friend listens to a mix of 2-channel and TV/movies, and is looking to get two speakers now and expand later. What would you suggest???
Without a doubt, I would look for a used pair of Paradigm Studio 20's. Version 1 or 2.
If size is an issue, Anthony Gallo Micros. If size is not an issue than either the Triangle Titus or the Quad 11L's.
Somebody who's considering Bose is an unlikely candidate for buying used. Among new speakers, I'd start with Paradigm and PSB. They might not be everyone's favorites, but they're doing low-end speakers about as well as anyone, and they're pretty widely distributed--though almost exclusively through small shops. If your friend is put off by the high-end boutiques (as many people are), at least get him to consider Polks, which are a competently made mass-market alternative.