Speakers that sing

I am now looking to upgrade my speakers to something that I consider "special" I have a Bryston 4B-ST amp, BP-25 preamp, Meridian 508.24 CD player and other assorted stuff and want to get some speakers that are great for vocalists and older jazz. I was looking at the B & W 800 used. After reading many strings, I am reconsidering. Please give me your thoughts on speakers in the 5-10K range.
Although I once had a 4BST I sold it in favor of another amp & currently use an Ayre V-5x. I have a 508.20 but it is modded, so you may get results that are in the same ballpark that I have and that is with the VR4 GenIII SE's. I have the Gen III's but having heard the SE's I think they would do an excellent job with your gear.

BTW my dealer sells Bryston and VR. click here
You didn't mention anything about your room, but if it happens to be fairly small or medium sized then I would highly recommend Verity Audio Fidelio. They have absolutely stunning midrange with suberb transparency and refinement. Vocals sound very natural, with perfect tonality and amazing palpability. Great for jazz and classical but can also kick hard if asked for.