B&W 804: Is B&W a speaker for pop/rock?

I have the oppotutninity to purchase a pair of naut 804 but am concerned that it might not be a good choice for pop/rock.

What are some of the current opinions about B&W being driven by a 150 watt amp verses some other speaker suggestions.

Thanks for any ideas/suggestions
I use Nautilus 804's and surprisingly,, they are excellent for rock, great volume and clarity. I however use a Linar 250 amp which has substantial boost to say the least. They stay tight at deafening levels. So much so that i can feel the air from the ports huffin at me at 9 feet away from the speaker.

Answer? yes,, they rock ;-) have fun!
Try with a Krell amp if you can and then decide. If they can't rock with Krell then you won't be happy.
If you get the 804N's, make sure you buy the Sound Anchor stands for them. It is well worth it, in my opinion; and I listen to Rock. Best, Charlie