Coolest color for Wilson Watt/Puppy 7 ?

Cannot decide which to order (I know, difficult problem- no flames please) Any honest opinions?
Ok, I finally posted my system again with updated pictures
Click on (System) or use the link below

The color choice was the hardest, the Red was amazing also
To Kchahoc's point - my recollection from my college days is that it was determined that the color yellow had a lower drag coefficient therefore cars painted yellow went faster, all other things being equal. Extrapolating to speakers, I would imagine that the same characteristic could provide some sonic benefit so yellow would clearly be the way to go :-)
Do you have a wife or live-in gf, is WAF important? What is the decor and color-set of the listening room. Barring these considerations I would still choose something neutral like black/silver/titanium. Loud colored speakers may make your eyes gravitate more toward the speakers. Imaging will be better if the speakers disappear in the room. For that matter, a lot of people will hang something visually appealling on the wall where the center of the soundstage should be so that their eyes will gravitate to this point.