Hope you're nearby. Again, I would like to know what your friend who bought the Nearfield Pipedreams is doing to, as you stated, "He is having to re-engineer everything from the crossovers to the electronics in the subs!"
Again, what electronics are in the subs that he is reingineering? Also, what is he doing in the crossovers. They are sealed, and virtually impossible,(ok really hard) to access. I always wonder why someone would buy an $80K product then find the need to "reengineer it". Why not design his own, if his capabilities exceed the designers, why mess with such a flawed design. Moreover why spend the money, if they're so flawed?
Please let me know. The reason I ask is that the only electronics that are in the subs, are the electromagnetic fields created by the magnet behind the subs, and of course the wiring that leads to the magnet. Unless he bought a model that is new to me and everyone else.
Humbly and sincerely waiting to hear about his expertise.
Hope you're nearby. Again, I would like to know what your friend who bought the Nearfield Pipedreams is doing to, as you stated, "He is having to re-engineer everything from the crossovers to the electronics in the subs!"
Again, what electronics are in the subs that he is reingineering? Also, what is he doing in the crossovers. They are sealed, and virtually impossible,(ok really hard) to access. I always wonder why someone would buy an $80K product then find the need to "reengineer it". Why not design his own, if his capabilities exceed the designers, why mess with such a flawed design. Moreover why spend the money, if they're so flawed?
Please let me know. The reason I ask is that the only electronics that are in the subs, are the electromagnetic fields created by the magnet behind the subs, and of course the wiring that leads to the magnet. Unless he bought a model that is new to me and everyone else.
Humbly and sincerely waiting to hear about his expertise.