Inexpensive Integrated for GMA Europas

Hello All,

I need some suggestions! I'm helping some friends put together an inexpensive system. So far I've lined up a Cambridge Audio D500SE CDP (I've owned this myself, and it's quite good for the money) and a pair of GMA Europas. I'm looking for an integrated to drive these speakers. The room is moderate size, around 12x18x9. My budget is $400 to $500, and a remote is not necessarily required. I'm thinking Jolida 1501, which has 12AX7 input and SS output sections and provides 100wpc. They don't want a real tube amp, too complicated for them. Any other good matches? Thanks.

PS - as for cabling, I'm thinking cheap: romex or Home Depot 12 gage wire for speakers. Any thoughts?
Turn them on to SETs with a Norh SE9. It's the best deal in audio today and probably for a while! The Europas will work just fine on 9 watts. Trust me, it will be magic.
The Norh SE9 is an SE (single ended) design, not SET (single ended triode). Other than that...
In fact, the el 34 is the only pentode that can be wired triode without blending grids. The Se9 is not a Art Audio 300B , but it ain't bad for a beginner and will satisfy for a while. I use it for a back up, it and a Decware Zen select.