Inexpensive Integrated for GMA Europas

Hello All,

I need some suggestions! I'm helping some friends put together an inexpensive system. So far I've lined up a Cambridge Audio D500SE CDP (I've owned this myself, and it's quite good for the money) and a pair of GMA Europas. I'm looking for an integrated to drive these speakers. The room is moderate size, around 12x18x9. My budget is $400 to $500, and a remote is not necessarily required. I'm thinking Jolida 1501, which has 12AX7 input and SS output sections and provides 100wpc. They don't want a real tube amp, too complicated for them. Any other good matches? Thanks.

PS - as for cabling, I'm thinking cheap: romex or Home Depot 12 gage wire for speakers. Any thoughts?
Tom, that was a wonderfully long and entertaining sentence! So - anyone have any thoughts on this Jolida amp? I've seen generally good reports on it. Also, Roy at GMA speaks highly of a few early '80s vintage integrateds like some Onkyos and Harmon Kardons. Trying to make a good system on the cheap here. Thanks again.
Luxman 491 integrated is oft overlooked. Tube preamp section with 90 wpc SS power section. This amp is quick, very musical and has the muscle to easily drive the Europas. About $350 used. Tubes will last for 5 years with normal use and should actually be upgraded from the stock.
In my home theatre, I drive Europas with one of the Panasonic digital AV receivers. Terrific results in my application, though for music-only, I can't say. Might want more power. But you can get these receivers for around $300 new.
I was looking at this price range for an integrated amp. I ended up buying at Cayin TA30 from Bizzy Bee (modified) for about $900 and haven't looked back. I love the sound. I'm happy and content.

Regarding speaker wire, I got some cheap wire ($75) from Audio Magic per Roy's recommendation. Yes. I have the Europas too. My interconnects are Cryo 3 Virtual Dynamics connected to a modified Sony CE-775.
Strong second on the Cayin. Too complicated? I havent touched mine in almost 5 months. Great match.