I found it, I found it! Check these out:
Tekna Sonic
Tekna Sonic
Blu -Tack Under Bookshelf Speakers?
I found it, I found it! Check these out: Tekna Sonic |
CDC: I remember seeing these, or something like them, years ago. I seem to recall that their use was being recommended with a specific speaker (perhaps the speaker manufacturer was endorsing them)? Used to have a pair of soccer shoes with little shock absorber devises that protruded from the edges of the heels/soles. Other than looking extremely odd, they were my most confortable pair by far. |
Warrenh, is there any more-less detailed manual how to chose and use those audiopoints? I have the same problem with my Revels M20, and Blue Tac doesn't make me feeling good. My stands have their own four spikes on both sides, but I don't use the upper ones - don't want to damage a finish on the speakers. Are coupling discs the solution here? Should the original spikes be replaced with the ones from audiopoints? |