Speakers to replace B&W N804s ?????

While a fan of B&W, I think I want to look at some of my alternatives to my current N804’s. I am in a difficult space and I think the B&Ws are too unforgiving. They sound really great with acoustic and most classical music, but are fatiguing with other music. Its not a glaring/obvious problem, but I find I am listening less and less to so much of my music b/c its just not as enjoyable. I am happy with my source components (& have eliminated them as the cause (Cary 306, Cary Cinema 5, Krell HTS, XLO cables). I have also made adjustments to the room (acoustic panels, curtains), but the dimensions and layout cannot change. I would like some recommendations for a small floorstander that provides detail, but errs on the warm side. The speakers will also be part of a HT set-up and must look good.

The room – 12X13 with a 5-foot opening into a sun parlor 7X12. The speakers straddle the ent. center in the corner. I know, not optimal, but the room must be functional. The speakers are 6” to 8” away from the wall. Based on some reading, I thought possible contenders would be Meadowlark Osprey, Triangle Luna, Von Schweikert VR2 or VR4jr (maybe too large). Any thoughts on these speakers? Any suggestions or recommendations? Thank you
Give a listen to the Signature 805 before you leave the B&W line. It is by far the best speaker I've ever owned. If you really need something other than B&W, my suggestion is Audio Physic. Either the Yara, or the Tempo. I think you would be happy with both. Just be a little careful with speaker placement.
I have owned the N804s and tested in my home the whole Nautilus line except for the N801 (too big). If you want to keep the speakers, I would give you two different recommendations:

First try to move them a bit back against the front wall and/or your listening seat to a less nearfield position. Doing this will also change the tonal balance in a positive way. The reason is that the N804s (and N803s) have a reticent presence band, which makes the flat tweeter sound aggressive and bright. I know that long-wall positioning aggravates this and I had no problems of the kind with short-wall positioning. If this is not possible, then try warm-sounding interconnects step by step; I can recommend one that is very inexpensive, the Tsunami ULTRA that Circuit City sells exclusively on their car electronics section. It only costs $40 per 1 meter pair and it is very good in all other respects.

You should consider the Focus Audio FS788. Here is a review:

I second the Focus Audio's.

You can't go wrong with any speaker in the signature line IMHO.

thanks again for the replies. The focus audio speakers do seem very nice, albeit no local dealer & pricey. I really want to buy locallly so I can try the speakers out in my home. The 804s are probably going. I have spent way too much time tweaking them to be & I want a speaker that works better for my room.