I agree about the AC-10 described above. Your are in the front row. Usher also does not recommend them for HT use as the ceramic drivers can crack with very loud SPLs. I did compre them to the Aerial 10Ts (hooked up to different components of lesser quality) and they are a totally different sound more 20th row. The Ushers I heard only had about a 100 hours on them and they sounded clear, dynamic and detailed but too much in your face and they were too much for long term listening, somewhat agressive or bright or forward whatever, long term fatigue. The through a very wide soundstage almost to the point of interferring with the other speakers sound. The associated componets were a Pass X-1 pre, Pass X-250 amp and Audiomeca top of the line CDP.
As for the Vons, the ones worth hearing are the new model VR-4SEs. I will be getting to hear them soon at a local dealer. You also may want to check out the mid priced Talons.
Happy Listening.
As for the Vons, the ones worth hearing are the new model VR-4SEs. I will be getting to hear them soon at a local dealer. You also may want to check out the mid priced Talons.
Happy Listening.