Lead shot questions

I have a few questions about lead shot as mass loading for speakers.

Is the shot placed loose internally? Bagged? I really dont like the idea of stacking bags on top of the speaker.

What do you do with the acoustic-fil or liners?

Any pointers on getting the shot inside the speaker? Woofer removal, or input terminal removal, or just a common sense lowest point available?

Lastly, with my B & W CDM-9NTs, do you think it would be a worthwhile endeavor?

Thanks in advance.
i may be wrong but if you put lead shot inside speakers that were not designed for it you are taking away from the internal volumn of the speaker as it was designed.
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Very good points and ones that I had not thought of at all.

I saw an add here a few days ago for very small stainless steel discs. I suppose the steel wouldn't create dust like lead. At the very least, it wouldn't be as toxic.

If I remember correctly steel weighs approximately 4oz per cubic inch. Discs would be less, since there is some air space, say 20% less. Hmmm, 100 cubic inches for 20Lbs as a guesstimate. That's a fair amount of volume, 4 to 5 percent of my speakers internal volume, certainly enough to have some acoustic effect.

Nonetheless my curiosity is still piqued.