Is Itunes OK to rip CD's to AIFF?

I'm ripping a lot of of CD's and putting them on a network server so I can access them from any computer/stereo system in my house. Does any one know of any blinded listening studies where they compared Itunes-ripped wave files (AIFF) to AIFF ripped by another program? If no studies, is there any technical reason (and I'm no computer expert) that an Itunes ripped AIFF might be inferior to an AIFF file ripped by another program?
Another few questions, Steve, after I looked at your link: 1) Is there any way to get the Teac CD-224E in an external holder and plug it in via USB to any computer? 2) Any idea if the CD-224's listed for specific laptops like Dell work in other laptops? I have some late model IBM/Lenovo's? Ie, Do you know if the size of the drive frame and the connections are standard? Thanks again.
Lawrence wrote:
"1) Is there any way to get the Teac CD-224E in an external holder and plug it in via USB to any computer?"

This is what I have, an external USB drive.

"2) Any idea if the CD-224's listed for specific laptops like Dell work in other laptops?"

Laptops vary a lot. Hard to tell. Get an external version.

If you want AIFF, then use XLD with Accurate-Rip to rip on the Mac:

Avoid iTunes on a PC:

Steve N.
Empirical Audio
I now believe that the reason the 2nd rip of Beethoven's 9th sounded like Stairway was that I accidentally used a Zeppelin CD.

This casts some doubt on the entire experiment.
Paulfolbrecht, but shouldn't the computer have shown the title of the track as Zeppelin?
Paulfolbrecht- Thanks for the giggle.
Steve N. thanks for your generous sharing of your technical expertise.

This site is the best. Where else could you get those 2 posts side by side????