Moving from Magnepan MGIIIA to 3.6

It may be time to think about trading my beloved MGIIIA up to a pair of the 3.6's. Anybody here make that move? Is there enough of a difference in a positive direction to warrant the expenditure? For the record, my III's are in great shape in both cosmetics and sonics. I am the second owner and the ribbons were replaced when I got them in 1994.
The rest of my setup is listed under systems, and my amps are up to the task of driving the 3.6
There was this thread over at the audio asylum just the other day, its on a similar topic so it may be of assitance to you. I have the 3.6's and have heavily modified them and I liked them a lot stock but now I am enamoured with what they are capable of! I have not done a lot of comparison's with the older models so I have no basis for comparison.
Thanks for the info. I went through the thread. Perhaps I'll save some money for now and put some effort into my existing XOs. I must say that I have never had any quibbles with the 3A, but they are a little long in the tooth age-wise. I know the leap in performance between the 3.5 and the 3.6 justified many to make the move. The 3A does so many things well, perhaps devoting some time and energy to XO performance may be more than satisfactory.