Recommendations on mid-fi speakers

Hi folks,

I'm just getting into decent audio, and want a pair of nice but not terribly expensive floorstanding speakers. Below is a list of some I've encountered, and I'd be grateful for any comments, advice, warnings.

A bit more about my audio situation:

-- the arrangement of the living room where these will be placed makes it almost impossible to create a convenional triangular sweetspot for listening. So I need speakers that will sound good from several different places in the room.

--I need speakers that work for more serious listening with musical friends, as well as for "family listening" (that is, hanging out with my wife, listening at low-to-moderate volume).

--I do have a Roksan Kandy amp and CD player in my other system that may eventually be used with these speakers. But until I get a decent integrated amp for the living room, I need speakers that aren't completely intolerant of being driven by a mass-market receiver.

-- We listen to classical and classic rock (most of it not heavy) in roughly equal proportions.

Here are the choices I've come up with. Thanks for any thoughts....

Totem Arro
Axiom M80ti
Quad 21L
Pinnacle BD1000
PSB Image 7T
Vienna Acoustics Bach
Castle Howard
Opera Terza
Epos M15
Kirksaeter Silverline 220
Role Audio Enterprise
Swan 5.2
Soliloquy 5.3
Your list i wouldn't exactly call mid-fi, but rather the "entry level". First choice Totem Arro. Unsuspecting quality of bass from the narrow, beautifuly designed enclosure, only maybe rivaled by Opera and Vienna. Quality in (Dynaudio mid/woofer) and out. Toss-up between these three, although heard great things about Castle, offered at 50%OFF, worth checking out.
I would agree with above comment - your list represents 'entry level' which is a good place to start.
Take a look at a used/demo pr of Von Schweikert VR2 - there is a review at - there is a audio dealer (Canadian Hi Fi) on Audiogon selling the Quad line at great prices. There is a pratically new pr of the Totem Arro on Audiogon for $750.00 - excellent price and I hear it's a good speaker. I agree with the statement about Opera and Vienna - can't go wrong with any of them.
Best of luck
i agree with the 2 responses above. I use a pair of arro's in my den and they are amazing small speakers. actually, these speakers sound better than many other vendors more expensive speakers.