Can speakers be too good?

Now that I have over-improved my house, I am on to my stereo. I have what is, for me, probably my final 2 channel front end: Sony SCD555ES CD/SACD, Musical Fidelity A3.2 Integrated, Music Hall MMF7 table, Kimber Kable interconnects, Monster Cable power center. My thinking was to get the best quality electronics for the money, which I think I came pretty close to doing, and then concentrate on the speakers. I currently have PSB Image 7PT. I listen to mostly singer/songwriter, jazz, blues, alt country, roots rock. Mostly stuff that is not demanding in a dynamic or low frequency sense, but places importance on spaciousness, imaging, naturalness in the mid-range, etc. Also, my room is fairly small – 11 x 18 x 8.

My question for the forum: Is it possible to spend too much for a speaker to finish the system? (Within reason – I am not looking at anything in five figures.) I am a musician with a fairly well developed ear, but I am definitely not into chasing the last 0.5% of resolution at any cost. I have always been able to hear more of a difference between speakers than between electronics, although I can hear the difference between, for instance, my generic Sony DVD player, previous Cambridge CD player and Sony SCD555ES. I am thinking of a very high quality monitor in the $3 - $5 k range (basically equal to the entire rest of the system). Candidates would include Dynaudio Special 25, JM Lab Mini Utopia (used), Spendor 1/2e, B&W N805 Signature, Tyler Linbrook Signature, Totem Mani2. (Have heard some, but not all. Just giving possible examples in the price range.)

Does this seem like the right allocation of funds? Will I be able to get the most out of these speakers with my existing front end? (FYI - I am not likely to change the guts of this system anytime soon, although I would be open to tweaks/adds such as cable upgrade, power conditioning, outboard DAC, phono stage, etc.) All thoughts are welcome.
Price has nothing to do with good sound(with-in reason). It's all about system synergy. I personally chose some Von Schweikert VR-1 monitors over some used Revel Gem's, JM Labs Micro Utopia's and Dynadio 25 Specials after hearing them in my system at home. All the other speakers sounded good, but with MY system the VR-1's just sounded the most balanced and natural to me. In your system one of the other speaker I mentioned may sound the best to YOU, and that's what's important. It took me almost a year to finally decide on which speaker to buy, so don't rush it. If you want to spend a lot of money, fine. But don't ignore the lower priced speakers out there just becuse of their price. You may find a $1000 speaker that sounds better to you than the one's you mentioned (or you might not). That's what makes audio so interesting.....
The smaller Pro Ac speakers may work well as I have always been very impressed with them.
I also agree though not a monitor the Vanderstein speakers would probably be a good choice.
I don't sell any of the above speakers.
Your post indicates that you will not make the mistake of selecting speakers that don't match your electronics physically.
At the risk of being glib,as you are a musician,as you know your budget and we do not,listen to speakers till you find a pair you like in your price range,buy them,and don't second guess yourself.
Enjoy the search.
Another speaker you should look into is Green Mountain Audio's Europa. You can do a search on this site for feedback on these speakers (all of which is very positive). I've spoken to Roy Johnson (the designer and owner) and he's not only extremely knowledgeable, but is also a very nice guy.

FYI - I have no affiliation with GMA and have not heard the speakers myself.

You are, according to you post, a musician and you like vocals, so why not listen to one of the Harbeth lines, they are simply amazing speakers.

All the best.
