Ian: Your last line is a thread in itself now, isn't it? Problem with this hobby is sometimes we overdo it worrying about perfect sound and forget about kicking back and listening to the music.
That said, though, you seem to be unhappy with the sound, and your graphs do show a lot of peaks and valleys, indicating that you're not getting the sound you shelled out the big bucks to get. The PARC can smooth out the bass response up to about 300 Hz by eliminating the big peaks, and a TACT can do the whole frequency range, I think, but you should first be experimenting with different speaker locations (perhaps a little farther away from the walls, if you can do it) and room treatments (again, make them temporary until you see if they work) before shelling out money. Remember, as in the movie Pirates of the Caribbean, flat frequency response is really more a "guideline" than a hard and fast rule--in some cases a little extra bass and less upper midrange is more pleasing to the ear and more like what you might hear in real life, given today's prevalent recording practices. Experiment and use your ears as much as a frequency analyzer, if not more so. When it sounds right to you, that's all that matters, really. My two cents, anyway.