How could they have charged you for the shipping when they did not
ship it? Sounds truly wrong to me and I would fight them on that one.
And at least fight them on the $4 fee for talking to a human being (why
do we charge each other to talk to each other????????!). They can't charge
you if there is not an online alternative. Otherwise, you're just screwed
any way you look at it.
For something this heavy I would have used a freight shipper.
ship it? Sounds truly wrong to me and I would fight them on that one.
And at least fight them on the $4 fee for talking to a human being (why
do we charge each other to talk to each other????????!). They can't charge
you if there is not an online alternative. Otherwise, you're just screwed
any way you look at it.
For something this heavy I would have used a freight shipper.