Great subject dealing with some of my favorites. I have owned in the last three years the following speakers. In order; Martin Logan Aerius i, Spendor S3/5, Spendor SP3/1P, Harbeth HLP3ES-2 (25th Anniversary). In each case, I had the last and next speaker together for a minimum of two weeks comparison. My room is relatively small 12'x12'x9'high. I am able to bring speakers 4' off the back wall and 2.6' from the side walls measured to the front middle of the speaker driver. Amplification has been integrated; Cary 300 sei, McIntosh 6500, Mark Levinson 383, and presently Audio Refinement Complete.
Now, as to the speakers. I first purchased the Spendor S3/5 to find something physically sized more appropriate to my small room than the Logans. I was spoiled by the excellent midrange of the electrostatic Logans and wanted something that captured human voice correctly. The S3/5 fit the bill for its ability to disappear in the room, image superbly, and allow me to listen for hours without fatigue. The sealed enclosure seemed to integrate better in my room and to measure (using a db meter and Stereophile test CD) more flat without any suckouts or serious peaks. I was so happy with the S3/5 ability to present the music that I became curious to how Spendor's other Classic speakers would perform. I purchased a pair of Spendor SP3/1P expecting to hear more low-end. I had tried the S3/5 with and without subwoofer and could not decide which was better. The SP3/1P did provide more low frequency and with it, I had no desire to use a subwoofer. But, the biggest difference with the 3/1P came in the high end. I felt it was much more refined than that of the S3/5. I felt it was a better speaker in every way, except possibly its ability to disappear like the S3/5, although, it still was fantastic. I still think the SP3/1P is the killer Spendor that no one seems to know about. I have read reviews that state the S3/5 is the best Spendor. No-way! The reviewer never could have listened to the SP3/1P. When I had the SP3/1P, I thought that the S3/5 would have been a better speaker had it had the tweeter of the SP3/1P. I have never heard the S3/5 SE, but the tweeter is the same one in the 3/1P.
When you become a Spendor fan, you can't help but learn about Harbeth. I read a review of the P3 vs. the S3/5 which stated "When the Harbeths first entered the system, following directly on the Spendorsthe first hmphthe music sounded more present, assertive, pushy even, and seemed to have less body. After my aural memory of the Spendors had faded a little, the Harbeths became incisive, lively, and informative." (Bob Neill, Positive Feedback Online) I concluded that characteristic was not something I would ever desire over my Spendors, I concluded the Harbeths were not my taste and almost never tried them.
I found a great pair of HLP3ES-2 for sale from a seller on Audiogon, who was looking for a turntable for trade that I just happened to be selling. I couldn't pass the chance to try the Harbeths for myself. - LESSON LEARNED - Trust your own ears! Although the review of the P3ES-2 was very positive, and the reviewer ultimately preferred the Harbeth, I found the speaker to be not as it was described. First the low end. The Harbeth I felt to be just as full in the low end than the SP3/1P, but tighter! Lots of body. I had no desire to add a sub, and I still do not. There is more detail, but NEVER in a pushy way. These speakers are lifelike, but smooth. The quality of speech is exceptional. They are sealed and disappear in the room to the 9th degree. Depth is unbelievable. I get soundstage that is more realistic than anything I have tried before. I hear more in recordings that I never noticed before. But this speaker is not harsh. It just feels right and opens a window to the performance. It works with all types of music, but I don't listen or expect high 90db levels with peaks above 100db. The highs are refined!!! The bass is dynamic and will startle you at times.
Will I live with them forever? Maybe. I'm going to try one more sealed speaker that is designed in the monitor/speech philosophy like the Harbeth. Next week I'm having delivered a like new pair of Merlin TSM-M in red ruby finish. They should fit perfect on the pair of Sound Anchor Stands I had made for the Spendor SP3/1P.
To be continued...
Now, as to the speakers. I first purchased the Spendor S3/5 to find something physically sized more appropriate to my small room than the Logans. I was spoiled by the excellent midrange of the electrostatic Logans and wanted something that captured human voice correctly. The S3/5 fit the bill for its ability to disappear in the room, image superbly, and allow me to listen for hours without fatigue. The sealed enclosure seemed to integrate better in my room and to measure (using a db meter and Stereophile test CD) more flat without any suckouts or serious peaks. I was so happy with the S3/5 ability to present the music that I became curious to how Spendor's other Classic speakers would perform. I purchased a pair of Spendor SP3/1P expecting to hear more low-end. I had tried the S3/5 with and without subwoofer and could not decide which was better. The SP3/1P did provide more low frequency and with it, I had no desire to use a subwoofer. But, the biggest difference with the 3/1P came in the high end. I felt it was much more refined than that of the S3/5. I felt it was a better speaker in every way, except possibly its ability to disappear like the S3/5, although, it still was fantastic. I still think the SP3/1P is the killer Spendor that no one seems to know about. I have read reviews that state the S3/5 is the best Spendor. No-way! The reviewer never could have listened to the SP3/1P. When I had the SP3/1P, I thought that the S3/5 would have been a better speaker had it had the tweeter of the SP3/1P. I have never heard the S3/5 SE, but the tweeter is the same one in the 3/1P.
When you become a Spendor fan, you can't help but learn about Harbeth. I read a review of the P3 vs. the S3/5 which stated "When the Harbeths first entered the system, following directly on the Spendorsthe first hmphthe music sounded more present, assertive, pushy even, and seemed to have less body. After my aural memory of the Spendors had faded a little, the Harbeths became incisive, lively, and informative." (Bob Neill, Positive Feedback Online) I concluded that characteristic was not something I would ever desire over my Spendors, I concluded the Harbeths were not my taste and almost never tried them.
I found a great pair of HLP3ES-2 for sale from a seller on Audiogon, who was looking for a turntable for trade that I just happened to be selling. I couldn't pass the chance to try the Harbeths for myself. - LESSON LEARNED - Trust your own ears! Although the review of the P3ES-2 was very positive, and the reviewer ultimately preferred the Harbeth, I found the speaker to be not as it was described. First the low end. The Harbeth I felt to be just as full in the low end than the SP3/1P, but tighter! Lots of body. I had no desire to add a sub, and I still do not. There is more detail, but NEVER in a pushy way. These speakers are lifelike, but smooth. The quality of speech is exceptional. They are sealed and disappear in the room to the 9th degree. Depth is unbelievable. I get soundstage that is more realistic than anything I have tried before. I hear more in recordings that I never noticed before. But this speaker is not harsh. It just feels right and opens a window to the performance. It works with all types of music, but I don't listen or expect high 90db levels with peaks above 100db. The highs are refined!!! The bass is dynamic and will startle you at times.
Will I live with them forever? Maybe. I'm going to try one more sealed speaker that is designed in the monitor/speech philosophy like the Harbeth. Next week I'm having delivered a like new pair of Merlin TSM-M in red ruby finish. They should fit perfect on the pair of Sound Anchor Stands I had made for the Spendor SP3/1P.
To be continued...