Thiel 3.6's - Stereophile measurements

I have not had the benefit of an audition with these speakers. There are few dealers still selling them. My question is regarding the measurements which accompany the Stereophile review from 1993. The frequency response measurements show a big suckout in the midrange at 45" distance. At 10-15 feet is this suckout apparent? Are there any coherency issues with this speaker that I should be aware of? My listening position is 14 feet from where the speakers will probably be setup in my room.
It is mandatory that your listening position with Thiel floorstanders be at least 8'-10' from the speakers. Otherwise the drivers simply will not blend. This is a consequence of the first-order crossover.
Measure the actual difference from speaker to your head, a triangle - some people make the mistake of measuring from the center of the 2 speakers - 10 to 11 ft measured this way works best in my room.
I recently picked up a pair of CS3.6's in used, but excellent condition. I can hear no midrange suck whatsoever, and my typical listening position is 9-10' from each speaker. In fact, I would call midrange accuracy to be one of their strong points, along with imaging, and an uncolored presentation. At 14' back, you should be very happy with them, unless your room is very large, in which case you may want to consider the CS6's.

Before I bought my 3.6's, I also auditioned the new CS2.4's and the 1.6's (both of which I auditioned with and without subs). Yes, the newer models have greater focus than the CS3.6's, but I found that I appreciated the more laid back and full sound of the 3.6's - especially considering that my system is a tad on the bright side.

Also, as I recall, in a subsequent, and fairly recent Stereophile issue, one of their reviewers revisited the 3.6's and stating that he did not hear the midrange suck that the '93 reviewer found.

I would suggest that you consider looking at some of the used CS3.6's that are out there. Many appear to be in excellent condition, and Thiel is quite generous on extending warranty repairs in situations where the speakers have not been abused. IMHO, the CS3.6's are a real bargain, considering the frequency range, neutrality, accuracy, and incredible imaging. And again, their customer support is excellent, even on used gear.

Happy hunting, Tom.

I was trying to understand better what you meant by the 2.4's having greater focus- do you mean better soundstaging and imaging than the 3.6?

I own the 3.6's, but I wouldn't have called them laid back (full, yes). My system also tends towards the bright side (just barely on the good edge of 'lots of detail' vs. 'too much sibilance'). Were you suggesting that the 2.4's were brighter and less laid-back than the 3.6's? I was considering moving to the 2.4's if they would offer smoother treble (but I'm not sure if you are indicating that). I am aware that I would be giving up some bass in the trade.

thanks, Bill