Alternatives to the Thiel Outriggers?

I need suggestions for replacing the Thiel Outriggers on a pair of CS1.6's. What looks, and more importantly, sounds better.
I worked for a Thiel dealer up until a year ago..The outriggers are really just a device to keep the speakers more upright most of the time..they do nothing to improve the sound..I am now a independent dealer and sell Starsound products..Audiopoints and Sistrum..They both greatly improve the sound of all loudspeakers including all the Thiel products..Tom
I have a pair of Sistrum stands (for floorstanding speakers) that I am ready to part with. Email me if you are interested, uncontop.
Which models are they?..Do you have the APCD discs as well?..Those platforms will work under many different pieces of electronics as well..A friend of mine just purchased a pair of SP1's to place under his Halcro pre and power..The improvement was amazing. I sell Starsound products..Tom
They are the SP-004 and I have discs for top and bottom. Maybe I'll try them under my amps.