Speakers for Home Theater/Audio for 8K

I have recently purchased a Denon AVR 5803 and am looking for a good speaker system. I intend to use the system for HT 80%, audio 20% (mostly straight ahead jazz). Although I have been impressed with the Martin-Logans and have previously owned Magnepans (which I loved, driven with an Adcom GFA 555), the room which the system will now reside limits an adequate spacing for these speakers (placing the front speakers 4 ft. from the wall would truncate the room). The room is 18x24 with 10 ft ceilings. The television is on the long wall with about 4 ft from open passageways on either side. Given some of these limitations, I would appreciate any suggestions. Current systems I have been reviewing include the B&W 802, Snell - Xa90/Xa55cr, Definitive Tech. BP-2000TL. I was ready to purchase the Def Techs but reviewing some of the discussions on this site as well as comments from my audiophile friends made me reconsider my options. I still have not ruled out the Martin-Logans and if any of you have a suggestion about placement, I would love to hear them.

My budget is about 8K and used speakers are certainly welcome. Please suggest any other system that you feel I may find interesting. I realize that ultimately it comes down to taste, but since I have shared some of my previous likes I hoped this would help in the discussion.

Sorry, I need to see a psychiatrist. Of course, I meant to say the Audio Artistry Beethoven, not Anthem.
Psdermpath1 - you're right, I didn't know the Linkwitz could be ordered as a complete kit. I also don't know what they cost. Also, when I had my Von Scheikert Vr4 Gen III's, I didn't feel a center channel was necessary so I never got one. I do know the Aerial CC3b is considered one of the very best center channels available.
Keep us informed - I'll check this thread for an update.
The Linkwitz site is at this url...


Completely built with ATI amp, it retails for $6500.
Thanks for the web site address - interesting speaker considering all that comes with it.
I've been to the home of Siegfried Linkwitz and have heard
his Orion loudspeakers. I came away a real fan. They're
just about the only dynamic loudspeaker I've ever heard
which compared to my X-Static EC-X curved diaphram
electrostatic loudspeakers. I'm selling my EC-X's because
they're just too big for my living room and plan to build
a pair of the Orion's to replace them. I don't anticipate an
improvement with the Orion's, but they'll take up a lot less
space. I consider both the Orion and the EC-X to be some of
the very finest sounding loudspeakers I've ever heard, at
any price.