SF Extremas

is the arc 100 mk111 enough to power these boats. also are the speakers too much for a general living/listening room that is 18ft by 25ft by 8ft high. thanks gary
I tend to agree with Semi. if you do not have enough power to drive these babies, then you have not heard really good extrema yet.
its hard to believe extremas are so inefficient. does anybody know the sensitivity db.? and why do some people claim they can power them with 30watt set amps? thanks gary
you can power extremas with a small amp..but when you use an amp of 200w or more they become one of the great small speakers of all time.
I agree with Jrd351. If you want you can drive them with a 50 wpc integrated and they will sound good, but if you really want to hear how good the Extremas are, then high power is the only way to go. They have a relatively small internal volume, smallish drivers and they can do deep bass. Any box speaker with this combo will require gobs of power.
Eldo, what people claim you can power them with 30watt set amps?
That is impossible. There is no chance in history the Extremas can sound good on such lower powered amps.