SF Extremas

is the arc 100 mk111 enough to power these boats. also are the speakers too much for a general living/listening room that is 18ft by 25ft by 8ft high. thanks gary
Eldo, what people claim you can power them with 30watt set amps?
That is impossible. There is no chance in history the Extremas can sound good on such lower powered amps.
doug99- i saw it on audioasylum(SET asylum)regarding a so called 211 amp. guy claims his friend drives the extremas with 27w/channel do to A2 class driving
Sonus Faber need power,that the bottom line...Mark Levisons,Pass X series,Jadis JA series,anything that sounds sugarly sweet with power.The Extremas are definitely not a warm sounding speaker,its more to the clincial side rather than the warm side,you need to match equipment carefully with theses speakers,very tempermental and can sound heavenly if properly matched,and could sound pure aweful with mismatched equipment.I notice the Meridian front end with the Jadis JA 200 amps sounds fantastic but those amps retail for $20000 us........
bmwhaus- well since they are a warm speaker should i concentrate on a ss amp. and would the plinius 250 suggested by gts87 be good. thanks
belles,bryston,classe,cj(ss),mac all drive the extremas quite nicely....i've even heard a less expensive b&k do a great job, though the bottom wasn't as rock solid as some of the others.