Done and did it again

Hey folks.

I done did it again.

I threw a little shin-dig this weekend, and i was jamming that new Outkast CD, and managed to rip the foam surround. It is a tear along the driver cone, about 2-3 inches in length. That's what i get for running 200 WPC into some 50W radio shackers.

I am planning to upgrade to something better anyways, but that is not for a little while yet. I certanly dont want to send them in and pay the costs for repairs.

Does anybody have a reccommendation for repair? Im thinking of maybe lining the driver cone edge where the tear is with a little epoxy.

any reccommendatios?
I worked in a store once and fried $5000 pre-amp and a $600 sub in the same week by just touching them. I have witnesses too. I was simply near them. I've owned maybe a dozen Denon recievers and dvd players,- all of them have gone nuts or died or simply half of it doesn't work. At least you have some fun in the killing of your speakers. At least you know why and have a good reason. A good party could do any of us in!
Thanks Elizabeth, i think i have a tube of that laying around somewhere too.

Toomuchstuff Man thats wierd dude. Are you sure you are not "Magneto" off of X-men? Maybe you should try to focus your destructive powers and take down the evil BOSE empire.
duc-k-t tape or silicone or whatever is only the small problem. the larger one in rewinding a voice coil how'bout that?
i'd inspect visually the voice coil first before trying any of above said methods to cure the diffusor.

c'mon Slap,
there are plenty of opportunities to get a kit for less than $200 to build up a superb sounding monitor that literally smokes all entry level Kefs Tannoys and B@W's. It's very easy to start with kits but after that you can build up a speaker only on crossover circuit and cabinette drawings from row materials that even more can save you money.
Not only does it sound like you need new speakers, but, if Outkast was requested you might need new friends as well.

Just kiddin' with ya.