Done and did it again

Hey folks.

I done did it again.

I threw a little shin-dig this weekend, and i was jamming that new Outkast CD, and managed to rip the foam surround. It is a tear along the driver cone, about 2-3 inches in length. That's what i get for running 200 WPC into some 50W radio shackers.

I am planning to upgrade to something better anyways, but that is not for a little while yet. I certanly dont want to send them in and pay the costs for repairs.

Does anybody have a reccommendation for repair? Im thinking of maybe lining the driver cone edge where the tear is with a little epoxy.

any reccommendatios?
the voice coil is cool. These speakers are pretty old, i think it was just time for the foam surround to bit it. If i push the surround out of the way the problem clears. Im hearing the surround smack agianst the speaker cone.

DIY speaker kits are not too far off of the mark dude.
Ive been doing alot of reading and research on loudspeaker construction. I have a 2 way design that i have come up with using drivers from peerless. Still working on the crossover though.
Total cost will be about 150.00 per speaker. The only thing holding me back is there are a few power tools i need to start building the box. Xmas is right around the corner, so im hoping to score there.
If these work out and sound good then im gonna build 4 more then modify a 7th for a center channel and start building a dedicated theater in the basement. Hopefully this will give me insight and experience and enable me to build a better set for 2 channel listenin.

I WILL however, need to get a good set of speakers i can use to compare my own frankensteins to. Apparently GMA Europas sound better than they should in thier price range. Early next year im hoping to go audition some and possibly even buy a set, if they are all they're cracked up to be.

Tell ya what though, it was a pretty rockin party. Man was i hammered. It feels good to cut loose after working 12 days straight.
try some chewing gum...bazooka is the best.
you need to chomp on it for 6 hours for the best sticking action.
In the Parts Express catalog there are surround fixes for all types of speakers. You can also access them online.