Done and did it again

Hey folks.

I done did it again.

I threw a little shin-dig this weekend, and i was jamming that new Outkast CD, and managed to rip the foam surround. It is a tear along the driver cone, about 2-3 inches in length. That's what i get for running 200 WPC into some 50W radio shackers.

I am planning to upgrade to something better anyways, but that is not for a little while yet. I certanly dont want to send them in and pay the costs for repairs.

Does anybody have a reccommendation for repair? Im thinking of maybe lining the driver cone edge where the tear is with a little epoxy.

any reccommendatios?
In the Parts Express catalog there are surround fixes for all types of speakers. You can also access them online.
Roofing cement is a good idea which I had not considered, but it really isn't very hard to replace a driver. This might be a fairly inexpensive repair too. I don't know if the cement will alter the drivers ability to travel.

Regardless of which of these routes of repair you decide to go with I would still recommend the epoxy in your ears!

What would your mother say if she heard you listening to Outkast?!?

What she dont know wont kill her

I wouldnt say any of it is filler. There are some songs that would apeal to the masses, the rest of the stuff, i wouldnt call filler, but more free-form jazz. its kinda wierd. definatly not for everyone.

Im probably gonna try silicon tonight, couldnt find any of the roofing cement.
will keep you all posted.
Hey Slappy, don't let some smart ass responses get you down. Jazz isn't the only music in the world. Keep on rockin.
